
Babies' Massage

Babies' Massage

Its clinically proven that love, touch and afection between the baby and those around him/her, have an important positive effect in their development. Baby´s Massage takes advantage of the natural tendency to care and pamper our baby, helping him/her to relax and soothing aches and pains. At the same time it gives us an intimate moment of comunication, strengthening our emotional bond with him/her. Infant massage helps the emotional bonds because it includes the most important elements to create this type of bond: eye contact, skin to skin contact, smile, sounds, embraces, smells, answer to stimuli and interaction.

In  Midwife at Home we strongly believe in the developing of this special bond between parents and baby that is why we offer you 45 minutes sessions at home with our midwife, member of the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM), will help you comunicate with your baby through massage. If your interest goes beyond this you can book several sessions or look out for our special offers as we organise regularly complete courses (5 group sessions lasting 90min each) where you will be given more detailed information.